Some thoughts on case design.
While I’m waiting on some parts to arrive this afternoon, I took a few minutes to look at the different Commodore cases I have in my collection.
I want to build the NEON Sunrise around the idea of a wedge case, like the Commodore 64C/128 and Amiga computers. But I also want the mainboard to be ATX compliant so it can be mounted in (just about) any modern case as well. I was also thinking it would be really cool if it would be possible to design it all so that a modern case could fit in the wedge, but I’ll save that for another time.
I started scratching my head a bit. Breadbins (VIC-20, C16, and early C64s) are certainly iconic, but not a anything I want to take design elements from. And they definitely wouldn’t look right modified to hold an Micro-ATX board. But the C64C, that could be a good jumping off point.
Specific Design Elements
OK, so….
The case would need to allow for an expansion slot. This will probably be within the ATX Backplane for compatibility.
I have no idea where the power switch will go yet. Same with the intended 4x SNES ports.
Current intention is to use a Pico-PSU with an external 12V adaptor. This would allow for a standard ATX power supply if mounted in a ATX Case.
The Mainboard has to have both the PS/2 port for an external keyboard and an internal header for the build in keyboard.
Custom Keyboard for wedge: somewhere between a TKL and 60%. It needs all the regular keys, plus cursor keys, not sure on how many function keys it would need (if any)
Is there anything I’m forgetting?