Random update

I had planned to get the next video on my 65816 ATX project in this week, but I've had a lot going on, despite having the week off from work.   You can also see the parts for my other retro project next to it, so I've got a bit in the pipe and just need some time with a clear head to knock it out.

The v0.2 board, still in the bubble wrap.

I did start working on a camera and light setup for working on the desk. I haven't recorded anything with it yet, but the framing looks good so far.

I need to find a way to mount my LED panel a bit better, but I think once the new wall is installed and I get some shelves in there, I will probably be able to mount it under the lowest shelf and be super useful.

I did remove the dry bar to the left of my desk, and I'm in the process of turning that space into a reading nook. Originally I was going to close it off and add a pocket door; but that has grown harder to make happen as the kits seem to just have evaporated from the market.

I wasn't sure I could make a barn door work, but I'm going to try by mounting it on the inside of the room. So next step is framing out the wall for that.

Just a lot going on at once. And some personal issues that normally I'd be more than happy to blather on about but they involve other people, so I'll wait until I can get their permission to talk about it.


Starting to get back to normal...

