
Breadboards are nice and all, but I like solder a whole lot better.

Working on a 6502 breakout board

I wanted to be able to watch what my processor was doing more easily, so I started making a breakout board for the 6502. That's version 1, which I learned a lot from but doesn't completely do what I want. Also I think I got a lot of things backwards that I'll work on in version 2.

Laying out the computer module.

I don't really care for breadboards. After a few months of playing with them, I see where they have a very useful purpose, and I will continue to use them in early stage development, but I think as I work out parts, I'll build modules like this.

This first module I'm calling the Compute Module, which will hold the CPU, EEPROM, and RAM. Yes, I know there is a NAND gate I still need to account for.

The Mk2 breakout board will plug into the CPU Socket. I'm also considering either a master bus module or pin headers of some sort for moving data between modules. Still working that one out.


Keeping up with change


I'm not weird...