Keeping up with change

So to follow up on my post about redesigning my desk with OSB, I've been thinking about the design of my 6502 computer. I recently saw some videos on the ATX64 board, which is a new motherboard for the C64 that can use a standard ATX power supply (it has the voltage converters on it), and has all of the ports available in the standard shroud space in the back. BUT! It also has expansion slots that the C64 never had! And I was thinking about expansion slots to begin with on The Neon Sunrise, so now I have some inspiration for that. Plus being able to mount it in a standard case would make things much easier. There will probably be a ton of extra space, but that's ok!

I also so on a video for Adrian's Digital Basement, that you can get new 30 pin SIMM slot brackets, and now I'm curious how I might be able to use those with the machine instead of just having RAM on the motherboard, but then I'd have to figure out how to check for extra RAM and manage it, and that's way beyond the initial scope of this project. I'll probably stick to the on board RAM. It won't exceed 1MB anyway, since that's the max I could access with a 65816.


NEON Sunrise v0.1

