This is my Creative for 2021/22 Project, I try to do one every year.

In 2020 I designed and built a deck.

This has been a deeper dive than I ever expected, and I'm happy to be learning it all, but my timeline is way longer than I anticipated.
I started with Ben Eater’s 6502 computer kit, and a healthy dose of curiosity. Then my nostalgia for the SNES and Apple ][gs kicked into overdrive.
I want to build the computer I would have loved to learn to program when I was a kid, (before I went to college the first time and lost the magical feeling of computers,) and would love to have.

Build a 65C816 based computer.

V0 is the research phase.


After completing several versions of the 6502 computer, and working with the 6551 ACIA, a LCD screen though the 6522 VIA, and doing some other exploratory development, I decided to jump in whole heartedly to making a 65816 based machine.
The V0 board is just the amalgamation of all the pieces I figured out in the 6502 phase.
For the time being, 1MHz is the speed of choice, with 1/2 through 1/16 modifiers available on the board.

V1 Requirements:

The requirements before the system can be considered V1 include basically making it widely usable.

  • Uses W65C816S processor at ≥2MHz

  • Loads kernel / BASIC(?) from EEPROM, initial interface can run from other memory locations by command.

  • Interface via 6551 ACIA -> Serial/USB Port, Terminal emulation on PC

  • FORTH or BASIC available for programming.

Going into 2023, I made a roadmap for the 65816 ATX board.

2022-23 Roadmap

My goal is to have a functioning V1 by the end of May 2022 June 2022. I figure V0 will have a lot of bugs that I'll work out manually and bodge in some fixes, adjust them in KiCAD and make it again. I have to push this back a month as work as picked up and I haven’t had as much time to work on the design.
V1 will incorporate the 128K system RAM and programmable glue logic.

V2 Mostly focusing on updating the Kernel routines and onboard software.

V3 will work on giving it it's own keyboard interface, and hopefully mouse and SNES Controller, though still outputting to either the LCD or Serial (though LCD will upgrade to a 4 line display in V3)

V4 will include VGA Output.

This will be through an add-on card on the board, so either it will already be implemented, or that will have to be implemented in order to make V4 happen.

V5 is expansion beyond what I have here. I do plan to have 3 add on slots, so it could be memory expansion, or peripherals, or just hackerspace for people to play with. I also plan to add on board ROMs for different programs, a la the CBM Plus/4.