My Dream Machine List

These are the machines I’d love to have in my collection:

  • C128D (European Version)

  • C128DCR (American Version)

  • C64 Bread bin

  • C64C (Unmodified)

  • SX64

  • PET (Any variant)

  • Commodore MAX

  • Amiga 1000

  • Apple IIgs (preferably Woz Edition)

  • Macintosh LCIII

  • ZX81

  • TI 99/4A

  • TRS CoCo2

  • TRS-80 Model 4

  • IBM Displaywriter

These are the peripherals I’d love to acquire:

  • Commodore 1581 (3.5” Drive)

  • Commodore 1571 (5.25” Drive)

  • C128 REU

  • Any Commodore Monitor

  • Apple IIgs 3.5” drive

  • Apple IIgs System Saver

  • C16/Plus4 Joysticks

  • RBD2HDMI - I have the board but need a Zero W2.

  • Pi1541 - I have built one with my 3B, but I’d like to migrate to a Zero W2, if/when one is available again.

  • GoTek Drive Emulator (For Amiga)

  • FloppyEmu (For IIgs)

  • ClearVue64

And finally testing and bench equipment I’m looking for:

  • BackBit Chip Tester Pro

  • 8-bit Museum’s Chip Tester Pro Kit

    • These are basically the same, so either/or

  • ESR Meter

  • Soldering Mat

I’m sure there’s a LOT more that I’ll come up with as time goes on, so consider this a living list.

If you are interested in helping me with this list, please send me an e-mail at so we can discuss.