After #NaNoWriMo

Under the radar, I participated in National Novel Writing Month. All I accomplished was writing my prologue and outlining the first few chapters, but I feel like it was a really good start.

I had some notes that I had jotted down before; and also some life lessons along the way that I had learned but not really written down anywhere. But I decided to start the story with the day I got fired for the first time; and how I decided to look at it as an opportunity instead of a setback.

If you’ve ready any of my blog posts, then you already know that I’m a bit succinct and to the point normally, so writing a novel is a lot harder than I thought. I’m not adding words just to fill it out, but I do try to think of more creative ways to describe things than just plain blunt truth. It’s been an interesting outing.

I’m not stopping anytime soon. In fact, I’ve been trying to figure out a good way to use my TRS-80 Model 100 to do the writing so I have less distractions. Writing and saving are easy, but it’s the transferring to/from my PC that’s escaping me for the moment. I know there exists some old DOS software, so I’ll have to figure it out.


Public Education Series #2


The Studio Build Fund