Spring cleaning

It hit 60 today in The Bucket, so I threw the doors open to the shop...

And realized I had a lot of cleaning to do before I could get started for the summer.

Over the winter I did get the stove installed, and got rid of a few things, but I also got a lot of new stuff. Buried in there is an air filter and a real dust collector (not just my small shop vac) which will require a bit of work to get how I want them set up.

Elliot acted like he wanted to help but all he did was roll around in the driveway.

Lumber is still stupidly expensive right now. Like prohibitively high. I have a few sheets of plywood I bought to do some low cabinets, but that's the only current project on the docket.

I'd like to get to my desk soon, thankfully hardwoods aren't quite as effected by the shortage, and I wanted to do a butcher block type top which means I can buy off cuts and scraps to help make that work.

But for this afternoon, it's time to roll stuff out and straighten things up.


Lumber prices


New Desk and Remodeling