Lineup for the summer

Now that summer is coming and the weather is getting better for working in the shop, I can start the list of must-do projects for the summer.

  1. Fix the barn doors.
    The barn doors were a nice addition to the shop, instead of the old garage door that took up a lot of the overhead space that I needed for lights and the heater, and now even storage. But they need a but more gap at the bottom to swing freely. I have a set of brush gap fillers to put under them once they’re shortened, probably by only an inch or so. Moreover, I need to finally put the trim on the doors so they feel completed, and give them a second coat of paint.

  2. New cabinet for my desk.
    When I built my desk for my office last summer, I designed it with drawers on one side, but the other wide open. This has caused a couple of problems that I need to resolve. First, there really isn’t much support for the weight of the desk on that side, which is apparent when you see the cracking in the trim. Second, it doesn’t feel balanced. So I’m going to build a cabinet that will house my desktop case, as well as the NAS that I’m planning to add to the setup. From the front it will have a cabinet door for the computer and a drawer for things like my headphones and controller. That will taper to the back where there will be plenty of access to the rear I/O, as well as cable management, and a 10Gb Ethernet switch to connect a small NAS and run the ethernet back up and around to the router.

  3. Built-in storage for the office closet.
    This starts with finishing the office closet, which I currently crop out of my videos because it is just a frame right now. Then building in a whole bunch of storage into it. On the left will be storage for my LEGO kits, and on the back and right will be storage for the workbench.

  4. Redefining workbench storage.
    Final piece of this season’s must-do list is building a better storage solution for the workbench itself once the closet is done. Some things that live on the bench will move into the closet and it’s new storage system, but others will continue to live on the bench, but I need it to be significantly more organized.

  5. Build Fisher’s Flip Cart
    Drew from Fisher’s Shop has a really nice flip cart plan that I want to build from his designs. It will be the first time I build something from someone else’s designs, and I wanted to document that process. As well as have a place for my belt sander and planer to live.


For each video there will be 3-4 parts. A design and planning video, followed by 1-2 construction videos (depending on project size), and an install and recap video.
One thing I’ve learned from the NEON Sunrise project is that what I plan to put in a video and what I need to make a good video don’t always line up, but I am hoping with a bit more planning, that this will go better.


Obviously this is all out of my pocket. I don’t have any sort of revenue stream to support this beyond the merch at my store, and that doesn’t even bring in enough to cover the cost of running the store. 🤷‍♂️


A different Path


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