Making your own furniture

This summer I set out to really up my game in woodworking. I insulated my shop so I could use it later into the winter, and built some shop furniture to help.

Table saw workbench.

The first huge project was my table saw work bench, which incorporated two vertical drawers to hold the table saw tools, 5 traditional drawers for hand tool storage, and a cabinet which contains the dust collector. It's also got a remote switch for the dust collector that sits next to the input of the table saw so I can turn it on when necessary; and a side blast gate for external connections. I'm pretty happy with it.

Next I build a miter saw station, which to this day is still only half done, but still light years ahead of where I was.

Those two got me to thinking about building my own furniture, specifically a night stand that I've said I wanted to build for the last two years. So I finally did.

My new night stand.

I did a lot of preliminary design work, and still made some on the fly changes along the way. I'm pretty happy with how it came out, and I plan to document the next piece of furniture a lot better so I can walk you through it.


New Desk and Remodeling


New Desk